Monday, January 4, 2010

Rocker Chick Tutorial

Bare with me this is my first written tutorial... I will try to keep it as easy as possible cuz I hate hard to follow Tutorials.... And if your doing one, its usually to learn or learn more, while sometimes it is just cuz it looks cool, but hard to follow directions suck :) Soooooo here goes...

This tutorial is completely my own and any similarity is just pure coincidence...

Supplies Needed:

I use PSP X2

Tube of Choice, Im using in this one, a great tube from Michael Landsfield, which you can purchase HERE @ CILM :)

Mask: KLD_Mask01 , and can be found here @ KLani Designs, an amazing Mask created by my friend Ka'ipolani and the inspiration for this tag :)

Scrap Kit (or one of your choice) , Im using the FTU Scrap Kit by Misfits Scrapz, called Rocker Chick (see the theme here,lol)

Font of Choice I used (of course) Motley Font and you can get that HERE

Ok Lets get Started...

Open Up a new image, 800 x800

It will look big but you will resize later...

Now choose a paper, I used Rocker Chick Paper 2

Next Apply your mask, KLD_Mask01, have these checked, source luminance, hide all mask, fit to canvas, and click the transparency checkerboard underneath the mask.

Now add your Tube of choice, re-size and position as needed, add drop shadow as desired.

Next get your word art, I chose Rocker Chick word art 1, center it above your tube, now add your stars or other elements that you prefer, I used star1 , place them on either side of your chosen word art.

Almost done....

Merge visible , Re-size to your liking then add the artist and your copyrights :) And save as a PNG so that its transparent...

And that is all I hope you enjoyed my first Tutorial :) PLEASE send me your pix if you make anything using my tutorial Id love to see them and I will post them with a link back :)

Have a good night...

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