This tutorial is completely my own and any similarity is just pure coincidence...
Supplies Needed:
I use PSP X6
Tube of Choice, Im using in this one, Magick Candle by Alfadesire, which you can purchase HERE at Tiny Turtle Designs Store.
Scrap Kit: Matching kit Magic Candle by Tiny Turtle Designs which you can get HERE
Font of Choice I used: Witches Magic, which I got as a free font, HERE
Ok Lets get Started...
Open Up a new image, 975 x 975 (this tends to work better when using more elements)
It will look big but you will resize later...
For this one I changed it up a lil bit and I have chose element 241 (Car) Place this in your new image and center it off to the left.
Now take Magic Candle ( I chose, black candle, roses and eyes) and place in your new image sitting beside the car,resize her by 35%, see tag if needed for placement.
Take Element 51 and resize by 75% and place on top left behind car see tag for placement if unsure.
Next take a paper I chose Papers 10. Place it behind element 51
Now take your magic wand, click inside of Element 51 and modify by 10, then invert, and click on your paper, then click the delete button on your keyboard.
Next drag and drop over another copy of Magic Candle tube, dont resize place over our paper but under your frame and repeat above:
Take your magic wand, click inside of Element 51 and modify by 10, then invert, and click on your paper, then click the delete button on your keyboard.
Then go to layer settings and choose SCREEN.
OK now take element 1 and resize by 125% and place on the bottom layer behind everything. Mostly to the right of the tag.
See tag if unsure.
Next take element 85 and resize by 60% and place on car behind your tube and place so that her leg is resting on it.
Take element 56 and resize by 25% and place on top of your element 85.
Next make a new raster layer and staying on that layer go to the picture tube tool and choose your flare.
Choose the one of your liking, I chose the smallest yellow one, you may have to try it several times to get the one you like.
If you have to do this just click undo to try again, until you have the one you like.
Now click over one of your candle to make them look lit, once you have just one position it so its where you want it to be and duplitcate it twice and
place on the other two candles.
Then click on each flare one more time and duplicate each one BUT DO NOT MOVE THEM. This will give it a darker look and make it look more like
a candle flame, rather than just a small light glow.
Now take some extra elements and place them about your tag.
I chose:
I put 12, 14, and 49 behind my tube.
First 49 and resize by 25% then place in 12 and 14 resize both by 25%
take 72 resize by 50% and hang on frame
Now take element 67 and resize by 75% and free rotate by 90% and place on layer just above the car and place in front of the bottom of the car.
Finally take paper68 and place on bottom layer and use a mask of your choice.
Almost done....
Merge visible , Re-size to your liking (I like 600x600) then add the artist and your copyrights :) and choose your desired font,
for this I used,Witches Magic ,in the aqua from the tag, with a black outline.
Adjust size as desired.
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