Thursday, June 11, 2015

Violetta By Lysisange Forum Set Tutorial

This tutorial is completely my own and any similarity is just pure coincidence...
Supplies Needed:

I use PSP X6

Tube of Choice, Im using in this one,Violetta By Lysisange, which you can purchase HERE at Tiny Turtle Designs Store.

Scrap Kit: Lake Days by Michelle's Myths which you can purchase HERE

Font of Choice I used Authentic Ratatouille, which I got as a free font, HERE

Ok Lets get Started...
First we will start with your Avatar for your Forum Set.
Open up a new image, I chose 200 x 200, I like it this size but most make them 150 x 150. 
Now take your tube and drag it into your image.
With this tube, when you drag her over Resize her by 25% then arrange her in the center to your liking.
See my example. 
Now choose your paper, I chose:
Paper (7)
Then I resized this paper by 25% also, it gives it a water look. 
Next take element (91) again with this resize by 25% then place on layer just above your paper and move to top right corner.
Now take element (10) and resize by 50% this time and place it behind your tube layer. lining it up on the left edge.
Take Element (33) and resize by 50% then place at top on layer above Element (91)
And now take Element (99) and place it on the bottom edge, on layer just above your Element (10) layer, DO NOT RESIZE this one, and arrange to your liking.
Take Element (98) resize by 50% and place at top left one top layer. Duplicate and flip horizontally and place on bottom right. Taking care to not place the bubbles on her face.
Now go up to Image click the drop down menu and chose add borders, I chose size 3 all around, and I chose the color of Violetta's dress. 
This will make it 206 x 206 so go back in and resize back to 200 x 200 
Now you are ready to add your text.
For this I have chosen Authentic Ratatouille and I have an outline in black with the inside the color of Violetta's dress. 
Lastly place on your proper copyrights..

And now you can save this one, I always save my Forum Sets as JPGs, it makes their size smaller and easier for you to upload to Photobucket or other hosting site and takes up less room. 

Now we can move onto the signature part of the set..

Open up a new image size 600 x 200

Start with your Paper 7 and drag it over to your new image. 
Resize by 75% and arrange so that there is no blank spaces and it covers the whole area. 

Now bring over Violetta...
Resize her by 25% THEN resize her again by 75%
Next flip her horizontally and place her on the right side...

Now take Element (10) and place it in your image. 
Resize by 75% then place to the left edge on layer below your tube. 

Next take Element (99) 
Place on left side, duplicate and flip horizontally, and place on right side. Make sure both are above Element (10) layer, It is meant to look like a great big splash.

Now take your Elements (91) and  (33) 
Resize (91) by 25% and place on layer just above your Paper (7) in the left top corner.

Now resize (33) by 25% and place just above (91) next duplicate and move that one to the right side and set to your liking, behind your tube. 

Now take Element (95) resize by 50% and place between your clouds, but place them on the top layer above everything else. 
Now take Element (101) and place below your Element (10) then duplicate and move to the right so that it looks like there is water under the pier as well as Violetta. 

Now take Element (38) and resize by 50% then place behind water (101) layers and move to the right, place it so it looks as tho its a river or lake side bed. 
Duplicate and flip horizontal and place on the left to your liking.
See my tag for example.
Take Element (51) and place it on layer below grass and resize by 50% and place in top right corner to your liking.
Next take Element (14) and resize by 25% and place between Sun and words in top left. 
And now we are ready to add borders this time double the border to 6 all around. 
Then resize back to 600 x 200 
Add your proper copyrights and add your text. 
Now you are ready to save as JPG and use your new forum set... 
Thank you for following my Tutorial... 

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