This tutorial is completely my own and any similarity is just pure coincidence...
Supplies Needed:
I use PSP X6
Tube of Choice, Im using in this one, Officer Girl by Soul Designer, which you can purchase HERE at Tiny Turtle Designs Store.
Scrap Kit:Matching Kit- Yes Officer by Scraps and Pleasure HERE
Font of Choice I used Kitchen Police , which I got as a free font, HERE
Ok Lets get Started...
Open Up a new image, 975 x 975 (this tends to work better when using more elements)
It will look big but you will resize later...
Now choose
Element 52
and place it in your new image.
Next place Officer Girl into image and duplicate her, hide one one the layers and forget about her for awhile like she isnt even there. Take the visible Officer girl and place her under your frame/element 52
place her on the right side of the frame, where its kinda shiny. Dont worry about that, its supposed to look like the Ipads/Tablets the police are
using these days... Now take your eraser brush and erase the bottom half of your girl so it appears she is on the tablet...
Ok now take element 16 resize by 25%, place under tablet, on the empty side, now duplicate your visible Officer Girl, resize HER by 50% and place her behind the id card in the empty square, The photo spot.
Take your magic wand, click inside of Element 16 in the photo frame and modify by 10, then invert, and click on your paper, then click the delete button on your keyboard.
Now take a couple of elements to place in the tablet with her, I chose:
Elements: 4, 21, & 31
Now arrange inside Tablet where it is empty, see my tag as example OR arrange in a way you like better.
Time for a paper take Paper 02 and place it on the bottom layer. Now because of the shine on the frame use your eraser brush and carefully erase the extra from around the frame.
Next merge visible and move slightly to the right side of image.
NOW we go back to our forgotten Officer Girl. Make her visiable again. and resize her by 65%.
Flip her horizontally and place her on the left side of the tablet, try to keep the word Busted visible enough to be read.
Now grab a few elements I chose:
9, 17, 18,19, 24, 33, 50, 55,
First we will take 24 and place it in the image.Place it on your bottom layer at the top
resize by 65% and there will be a little bit hanging over under the frame, just erase that lil bit.
Take 33 and resize by 50% and place on bottom layer and place behind your girl on the left side.
Take 55 and resize by 50% and place on top of the frame in the bottom right.
Then take 50 and resize by 25% and place over top of 55 in bottom right.
Now take 17 and place it in the middle on the bottom of the tag just behind 55. Resize it by 125% and bring it up so that your Busted tape shows thru.
Next take 18 and place it on layer just above the tablet, resize by 50% place on the top edge of Tablet and then duplicate and bring to the bottom.
Now take 19 and resize by 20% and place it behind element 55.
Lastly take 09 and place on bottom layer behind everything.
Almost done....
Merge visible , Re-size to your liking (I like 600x600) then add the artist and your copyrights :) and choose your desired font,
for this I used, Kitchen Police, in hot pink with a black outline.
Adjust size as desired.
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