Thursday, June 25, 2015

Miss August By Chris Pastel @ Tiny Turtles Designs, Tutorial

 This tutorial is completely my own and any similarity is just pure coincidence...

Supplies Needed:

I use PSP X6

Tube of Choice, Im using in this one, Miss August by Chris Pastel, which you can purchase HERE at Tiny Turtle Designs Store.
Scrap Kit: Lovin in the summertime by Michelle's Myth which you can get HERE
Font of Choice I used Ocean, which I got as a free font, HERE

Ok Lets get Started...

Open Up a new image, 975 x 975 (this tends to work better when using more elements)

It will look big but you will resize later...

Now choose
Element 101
and place it in your new image and resize by 150% 

Next take paper 21 and place it behind the frame, making sure frame is filled. 
Resize by 75%

Now take your magic wand, click inside of Element 101 and modify by 10, then invert, and click on your paper, then click the delete button on your keyboard.

Next place Miss August into image and place her on the left side of frame resize her to your liking while still having the frame peek out behind her. I chose 50%.

Now grab a few elements I chose:
55,56,57,62,66,82,& 87

First we will take 57 and place it in the image.Place it on your bottom layer and to the right side. 
Next take 56 and resize by 125% and place on bottom layer on the left side. 
Take 55 and place it behind element 57 on the right side. 
Now take 82 and place it behind your frame but above your paper and move it to the bottom, giving your frame the look of the ocean and sky. 
Take your magic wand, click inside of Element 101 and modify by 10, then invert, and click on your paper, then click the delete button on your keyboard. 

Next take 62 and resize by 75 and place inside frame ontop of the part that looks like the sky. 
Place 66 on your bottom layer, resize by 160% and place on the bottom center so it looks like Miss August is sitting on the beach.

Next duplicate 66, do not move position, but place duplicate layer above your water layer and take your magic wand, click inside of Element 101 and modify by 10, then invert, and click on your paper, then click the delete button on your keyboard. 
Now you will have the sand on your beach inside the frame. 

And now take 87 and place in your image and bring to your top layer and resize by 50% and place in the top right of frame, see tag for example. 

Now choose some more elements, I picked:
 1,3,5,8,23,28, 53 & 90

Take 8, resize by 75% and place it on your bottom layer behind everything and place it at the top center. 
Next take 23, resize by 95% and place on layer above the frame (element 101) layer and on the right side. 
Now take 28 and resize buy 25% and place glasses on the chair (23) 
Take 5, resize by 25% and prop on back leg of chair- see tag for example. 
Take 3 and resize by 50% and place on the left side behind Miss August. See Tag. 
Now take 1 and place it under Miss August so she is sitting on it. I also moved it down below the frame layer, because I thought it fit better that way but that is up to you which way you like it. 

Take 90 and place it on the left side of tag behind beach bag, duplicate and mirror on the right side. 

Lastly take 53 and place on left side on layer just above the lighthouse (55) and pick a few shells resize them to your liking and scatter on the beach, I resized by 25% and chose
83,84, & 85
Duplicate and scatter to your liking and resize if needed, see tag for example. 

Almost done....

Merge visible , Re-size to your liking (I like 600x600) then add the artist and your copyrights :) and choose your desired font,
for this I used, Ocean, in  light blue from Miss August's suit, with a purple outline.

Adjust size as desired.

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